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If you are arrested for drunk driving the conviction rate is:
When you get new license plates you must take the old ones
In city driving you should look at least:
The stopping distance at 40mph is:
The stopping distance at 30mph is:
At a green light you should:
When your blood alcohol content reaches .05%
If you move to NJ from another state, how long do you have to register your car?
A change of address must be reported to Motor Vehicles within:
A change of name must be reported to Motor Vehicles within:
Auto insurance required in NJ is:
Once your license is restored after a license suspension
If you are stopped for a motor vehicle violation and are not wearing your seat belt the penalty is:
The lane used to get on a highway is called:
The lane used to get off a highway is called:
How far from the entrance to a fire station are you permitted to park?
How do you "talk" to other drivers?
When someone is passing you:
If you are angry or excited:
When parking on an uphill street with the curb to the right, your wheels should be turned:
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